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To book your wedding date, you can message me through the contact form.
Include as much info as possible, i will get back to your request as soon as possible.
If you have any questions I'm happy to answer them.
Once your booking is confirmed I will block your date & time in my agenda.



after booking you can send me more pictures of the look you have in mind and the outfit you will wear as well as a picture of yourself.


In this stage you can  let me know more detailed how many extra people want make-up/hair so that we can plan in enough time. 
Depending on the amount of people and the timing, I will contact extra artist(s) to come along so that you all look beautiful without needing to rush.

We will also decide on a date to do a try-out of the look(s)  you have chosen. 



A trial session takes place at Studio Tinka about 4-12 weeks before your wedding.


During this time we will try out the look(s) you have chosen and make sure it fits with your accesoires, earrings and outfit. 
This is the time where we can make adjustments and try out different things so that you are prepared and can fully relax on your wedding day.


The trial will take between 2-4h depending on your look.

It is best to bring your (hair)accesoires with you. 



After the trial you'll let me know how you liked the look and I'll ask you to send me some pictures of how well the look lasted during that day.
This way I know if i need to make some adjustments to make the look even better on your big day.


your wedding day 

On your wedding day I will come to your place so you don't have to think about going somewhere.

You can wake up slowly and relaxed while i do your make-up/hair. 

You will get a little touch up bag with bobby pins, cotton buds, a bit of your lip color & powder,... This way you can do a quick touch up druing the day if needed. 


In case you want to change your look during the day or want me to do some touch ups, you can also opt for booking me for the whole day.

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